
Love & Vienna

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Solo Travel Experience

Everyone recommends doing some individual traveling some time in your life. 

I am currently on a two week solo travel and here is my itinerary:
11/14- 11/16 dublin, Ireland
11/17- 11/19 Galway, Ireland
11/20- 11/21 Paris, France
11/22-11/23 Barcelona, Spain
11/24- 11/25 Rome, Italy

Please forgive any blog posts during this are written on my iPhone so I am sure errors will be plenty!

My responses to going on a trip all by me-lonesome have been varied from "you're crazy you're gonna die" (*cough Julie cough*), to the "be really careful", to "sounds boring being alone", to the "brave" or just general "that's awesome how exciting" ... So I thought I would give my advice and experience thus far !

1. You have to be comfortable being alone, and what better way to learn to be more comfortable in your own skin than a solo travel! Which leads to #2...

2. Books are your friend. Books on trains, books on planes, books in coffee shops, books in hostels.

3. Being alone puts you out of your comfort zone, and we all know it is good to get out of your comfort zone - you really learn a lot about yourself.

4. You learn to become more outgoing, a better conversationalist, and a better listener. I talk incredibly fast so this has been a good experience, especially talking to people from different countries with different accents, to sloooow down.

5. Hostels are your friend. The majority of people who stay at hostels are just like you, looking to meet people, have conversations, and want to do fun things. Hostels provide a lot of events for its guests from traditional cooking classes to pub crawls.

6. You get to make friends and connections all over the globe! When I go to Australia I will have no shortage of places to stay or at least advice from natives who know the best spots.

... And the best thing of solo traveling is...

7. Freedom! You get to chose your adventure, what to see, what to do, and when to do them. If you want to do a full action packed tour all day then pack a sandwich and go! If you are hungover and don't want to go see yet another cathedral then sleep in! No one will be dragging you out of bed! 

In the grand scheme of things two weeks is actually a very short trip and most people I have met are on 3 months to 1 year trips!

So follow my photos along my mini solo trip and enjoy :) 

Me and Molly Malone - Dublin, Ireland (apparently touching her boob is good luck!)

Reading in St. Stephan's green in Dublin, Ireland

Cliffs of Moher selfie

Drinking an Irish beer atop the Cliffs of Moher

Me and the Cliffs of Moher outside Galway, Ireland@

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