
Love & Vienna

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Brandon turns quarter of a century

Brandon turned 25 on September 25th and we had a very nice and relaxing birthday. He left work early for an interview for the master's program at the University of Applied Arts Vienna - Universitat fur angerwadte Kunst Wien. After the interview we headed to the city center,inner stadt, and were treated to dinner and drinks by Steve and Sheri Sampson. Thank you so much guys! We ate at a restaurant called Medusa - a low lit restaurant in the evening and apparent club by night. We enjoyed fancy drinks: a gimlet for me and old fashioned for Bran.... oh and the food wasn't too bad either. 

 After dinner we headed to the Sacher Hotel that is famous for its Sacher-Torte. This chocolate delicacy was recommended to me by a few people including some Europeans I worked with at Oracle Team USA. I'd like to extend a big thank you to Bev Ashworth who also recommended the dark chocolate cake and treated us as well. The legend proved true - it was delicious! We also snagged a bottle of champagne and headed home, where I outfitted the chocolate cake with 25 obnoxious candles.

The final match of the 34th America's Cup was also on September 25th. Due to the time difference, the race started at 10 pm in Austria. I decked out in my Oracle Team USA gear and we opened the champagne to watch the race. It turned out the champagne was multi-use since we also got to celebrate OTUSA win the America's Cup! 

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