
Love & Vienna

Thursday, September 26, 2013

California to Austria

Due to buying the cheapest flight I could find, my travel time was 36 hours spanning 4 different planes. Let me break it down...

Luckily I have amazing parents who picked me up at 4am to take me to the airport. (Mom cried of course). After a quick flight to LAX, I managed to take a nice journey on the shuttle from the United terminal headed to the International terminal. Turns out United domestic and international are in the same place. Once returning to the United terminal, the kiosk could not find my itinerary which led to instant panic mode and airport beer at 8am. 

I had about 30 minutes to switch planes at the Houston airport. Which coincided with the loss of my kindle. 

My 10 hour flight consisted of sitting next to an elderly Italian couple. I inhaled my pasta tv dinner meal however... not that bad. 

Upon landing in Germany I had a four hour layover which coincided with me drinking my first German Beer(s), Prost!

I managed to make it to the apartment via taxi very easily, however Brandon was not home yet, and had failed to tell me there was an apartment number. This led to an awkward run in with a lady in the building who only spoke German and was trying to get me into the elevator, but I was like no Danke no Danke. Dumb American moment #1. 

This led to panic #2 and using cellular data to yell at Brandon to come and find me. (Sorry Bran :) 

All in all, I made it to Austria in one piece. For those interested, the address is :
MargaretenstraBe 51 - 10A, Wien 1050, Wien, Austria.